
about us

Education, Resources and Healthcare Services for Nigerian Women

Most conditions women suffer is usually as a result of ignorance because they didn't think it was a problem and as a result did not report to the clinic on time.

We understand this and to reduce it's occurrence, our organization has dedicated our time and resources to improving women's health by providing health awareness and education programs and affordable quality healthcare services.

our specialties


We have a list of courses teaching women and girls how to understand their bodies better and use their hormones to their advantage: Track your Cycle to Conceive & Cycle Mastery for Parents and their daughters

Sexual Health Clinic

We have our sexual health clinic at Abuja where we provide women with quality and low-cost sexual health services: Breast & Cervical Screening, STI testing & Treatment, Vaccination etc. 

Female doctor and patient
Counselling & Coaching

We teach and guide women through the process of preventing, treating or managing certain health conditions/ diseases. Sometimes all a woman needs is the right guidance and advice to improve her health

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Women's Health Products 

From supplements to devices, books etc., geared towards improving women's sexual, reproductive or general health, you can count on us. 

we empower you to make the smartest  health Decisions

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