Attention TTC Moms:
Have you been doing everything you can but still experience delay with achieving pregnancy? I’ve got good news…
I’ll teach you the method women are using to get pregnant fast. Its simple….
It's definitely time to take charge of your fertility and track your cycle differently if you fall into any of these categories below:
Regular App User
Your app keeps predicting your ovulation and fertile window but even when you time sex in that period, pregnancy still doesn't happen.
The 14th Day Believer
Because every article and video you've watched says ovulation happens on the 14th day. You believed it and time sex on and around day 14. Truth is very few women ovulate on the 14th day and you are likely not one of them
You just don't understand it
No matter how hard you try to learn to calculate ovulation, you just never understand so you've resorted to having sex every other day even if it's stressful for you and your partner
the fact
How it works
Ovulation lasts for 12 to 24 hours and if there's no sperm available in that period, a woman has missed her chance for that month
Let me show you exactly how a client of mine got pregnant in just two months of tracking her body's fertility signs daily in this free educational video.
You will Learn:
Your fertility signs
It's not just the dates of your period you should keep track of or 'vagina discharge"
What the fertile window looks like
A few days before ovulation and the day of ovulation
Your sex schedule
When to have sex more frequently and when to take a break
Enter your details below and click ‘grant me access’ to watch the educational video
About your Coach
Stephanie Onome Nyong is a very passionate women’s health educator with over seven years of working experience in women’s health. She teaches women to understand their unique menstrual cycle patterns and use their hormones to their advantage; be it to prevent or achieve pregnancy and monitor their reproductive health
Stephanie is an avid writer who has written four books in women’s health including fertility awareness.
She is also the Founder and Program Director at Health Platforms Int’l Abuja, an NGO women’s clinic that has provided over 4,000 women with preventive healthcare services especially in the area of breast and cervical cancer prevention.
What women are saying after learning to chart their cycles correctly
Learn how Atinuke got pregnant in just two months of tracking her body's fertility signs daily in this free educational video.
Enter your details below and click ‘grant me access’ to watch the video